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Presentation Description
Members of the National Register of Palliative Care Consumers and Carers will come together in a panel discussion on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly from their lived experiences of palliative care.
All members of the group are experienced in representing the needs of consumers and carers through policy, research and service design and collectively bring a broad scope of expertise.
Those working in palliative care directly and the breadth of allied and community services associated with ensuring a holistic approach, will be able to directly hear from consumers and carers on what worked for them and what could have worked differently had they known at the time what was possible.
There will be scope for audience members to ask the questions of the group that will support improved practice and emerge a renewed recognition that every individual has unique needs and quality care includes asking every individual and family what those needs are.
All members of the group are experienced in representing the needs of consumers and carers through policy, research and service design and collectively bring a broad scope of expertise.
Those working in palliative care directly and the breadth of allied and community services associated with ensuring a holistic approach, will be able to directly hear from consumers and carers on what worked for them and what could have worked differently had they known at the time what was possible.
There will be scope for audience members to ask the questions of the group that will support improved practice and emerge a renewed recognition that every individual has unique needs and quality care includes asking every individual and family what those needs are.